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Christina Kearns

Local artist Christina Kearns specializes in watercolours and photography. She grew up in an artistic household and as a result has made creativity a constant part of her life since the age of six. Approximately 15 years ago she discovered watercolours as her favourite medium. Because she enjoyed painting so much she was moved to share her gift with others, through teaching, in hopes of inspiring them as well. Christina is a past member of both the Ottawa Valley Artist Association, the Ottawa Artists Association and a current member in good standing of the Kingston Arts Council.
Her work is her passion. She capitalizes on her insatiable curiosity about life, and nature, and then combines her skills as an artist with her fundamental and all-encompassing spirituality to produce her paintings. Using nature> '> s solitude and silence as guides, she uses her camera as a third eye, with a direct link to the spirit, soul and heart, somewhat like a " seventh> " sense.
Christina ' s interest in interpreting the visual messages found in nature has inspired her to capture her inner journey - step by step - frame by frame - ever-changing, evolving, unfolding, surprising and healing. She says " Each painting urges me on - calling me to further explore the mystery that is myself" . The artist hopes to share these insights with others, communicating inspiring messages that tell a story - like pages of a journal - one page at a time.
More recently her watercolours have taken on an almost dream-like quality. The style is soft, magical and velvety, yet vibrant. Upon closer examination the viewer may discover hidden images. For Christina, painting is like meditating with an open palette.


As an " Artist in Residence" in 2001, Christina created a series of 37 paintings for the Ministry of Transportation that now form part of the Ontario Government ' s permanent collection. In addition, she was commissioned to create a commemorative painting for the Minister of Transportation ' s office. Christina has created and sold paintings that are now in private collections in Canada, the U.S. and overseas. At the same time, photos of four paintings were published in the magazine " Road Talk " which receives national distribution in Canada.

Shows and Exhibits:

Over the past seven years, Christina ' s work has appeared in many Kingston locations such as Chapters, Next Church, Inverary United Church, and The Gallery Café. Her works have also appeared at The Ottawa Little Theatre, Hawkesbury Gallery, and Voyageur Provincial Park.

Christina's work is available for viewing at the Gallery Café from July 1, 2004 through July 31, 2004 with an opening reception July 11, from 2pm - 4 pm.