An Arts Presentation Canada
Development Component

Administered by CCI - the Ontario Presenting Network On behalf of The Department of Canadian Heritage
May 1, 2003 to August 31, 2004


The Development Support Component of the Arts Presentation Canada (APC) program provides support to third parties who then deliver grants and provide related advice and services to new presenting organizations or to local consortiums of arts presenters for special initiatives whose objectives are similar to those of the APC program.

The following are the objectives of the development component.

1. To identify presenters who are not yet eligible for mainstream APC funding and develop them to a level where they are eligible to apply.

2. To expand the presenter network thus increasing interaction among audiences and artists in the three key target populations (Aboriginal, culturally diverse and remote/rural).

Finally, the principal goal of the Fresh Start! Program is to make presenting organizations eligible to apply to the Department of Canadian Heritage's APC program. Since eligibility for the APC program is based on an organization having attained a certain level of presenting experience, the Fresh Start! Program is meant to assist presenting organizations with getting that experience. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you speak with the Fresh Start! Program Manager before proceeding with an application to the program (see contact info below).

The funds for this program are provided by the Department of Canadian Heritage (PCH) and administered in the Ontario Region through CCI - the Ontario Presenting Network.

Funding requests can be made in three categories up to the amounts indicated: Festivals (up to $10,000), Single Events related to the performing arts (up to $1,500), or Performing Arts Series (up to $3,500).

A Project Advisory Committee consisting of a presenter from each of the target communities will review the applications.

Who Can Apply?

The APC Development Component accepts applications from arts presenters that work in a professional manner.

For the purposes of the APC development component, arts presenters are defined as non-profit organizations that select the artistic programming for public presentation in their local community in the context of an arts festival, a live performing arts single event, or a live performing arts series. These presenters select their programming guided by an artistic vision. They hire professional artists and are responsible for paying a guaranteed fee for each presentation. They provide the venue and supply the technical and promotional support. Presenters may also organize outreach or audience development activities in support of their artistic programming. They have a thorough knowledge of the audiences in their communities and of the professional arts community.

Note: Some presenters may be involved in a variety of activities including creation / production, self-presentation, renting their facility, etc. For these presenters, the APC development component focuses on those activities that fit the above definition. Under the APC Development Component, only the presenter's artistic programming that is created, produced and performed by OTHER professional artists or organizations is eligible for support. Creation/production and self-presentation activities are NOT eligible for support under the APC program.

Who Should Apply?

The Arts Presentation Canada Development Component is specifically intended to encourage presenting activity in the following communities:
· Aboriginal
· Culturally Diverse
· Rural / remote

Activities not eligible for support are:
· Book fairs
· Equipment purchases
· Capital projects
· Feasibility studies
· Competitions
· Hospitality or receptions
· Creation or production of works
· Self presentation
· Deficit reduction plans
· Touring in Canada or abroad

Eligibility Criteria

1. Must be in one of three target groups
2. Must be a not-for-profit organization
3. Ineligible to apply under the existing Arts Presentation Canada Program criteria

It is strongly advised that prior to submitting your application, you telephone the Fresh Start! Project Manager listed below to discuss your application.

A Project Advisory Committee will assess all applications. Applicants will be notified by mail within one week after the applications are assessed (usually 4-6 weeks after each deadline).

To submit an application complete the attached form and send it to:

Fresh Start !
c/o CCI - Ontario Presenters Network
260 Adelaide Street East, Box 47
Toronto, Ontario M5A 1N0
Attention: Judy Harquail, Program Manager
Telephone: (416) 686-1080 (local) / 1-866-235-6533 (toll-free)
Fax: (416) 504-2418