Project Grants

Operating Grants

Juror Nominations



city of kingston arts fund grants

On March 20th 2007 Kingston City Council approved a motion to create the Corporation of the City of Kingston Arts Fund (CKAF). It is intended to nurture the capacity and quality of Kingston arts organizations while fostering artistic excellence, stimulating economic development related to the arts, enhancing Kingston’s quality of life for its citizens and attractiveness as a community, and aligning Kingston’s arts funding with that of comparable cities around the province of Ontario.

The City of Kingston Arts Fund is comprised of two funding categories: Operating Grants and Project Grants. The Fund provides for approximately $130,000 in Project Grant Funding per year, and approximately $300,000 in Operating Grant Funding per year, to be awarded by the Kingston Arts Council as per the guidelines available on this website. Applications for funding will be juried and allocated by peer assessment through the KAC Grants Committee. This Committee will be composed of jurors who will be representative of the arts, arts professionals, practitioners and supporters of the arts with high standing and expertise in the arts community. For more information about the KAC Grants Committee and the jury selection process, please click on the Jury Nominations link.

Objectives of the City of Kingston Arts Fund

The objectives of CKAF are to nurture the capacity and quality of the arts in Kingston while fostering artistic excellence, stimulating economic development related to the arts, enhancing Kingston’s quality of life for its citizens and attractiveness as a community, and aligning Kingston’s arts funding with that of comparable cities. By providing financial assistance to non-profit arts organizations and collectives within the Kingston arts community, the CKAF will:

• support excellence across a spectrum of artistic disciplines;
• encourage public awareness, understanding and appreciation of the arts in the City of Kingston and beyond;
• increase access to quality local arts programming;
• encourage community engagement with the arts;
• encourage diversity;
• cultivate a range of artistic endeavours and resources for the enhancement of the arts sector and for the benefit of the City as a whole;
• bring provincial, national and international recognition to Kingston as a centre for the Arts.

Purposes of the CKAF Project Grant Program

The purposes of Project Grants are to support the creation and presentation of arts projects of merit which strengthen the Kingston community; to foster a dynamic artistic life and support the development of artists and their work in Kingston; to encourage new arts initiatives; to provide artistic experiences for audiences; and to enhance the civic identity, quality of life, economic prosperity and reputation of the City.

Application Deadline: Friday May 14th, 2010 at 4:30pm

The following groups located in Kingston may apply for funding for eligible arts projects (including community arts projects):

  • an incorporated non-profit arts organization;
  • a charitable arts organization;
  • an incorporated non-profit organization;
  • an unincorporated artist collective using an eligible sponsor;
  • an unincorporated community collective using an eligible sponsor.

Purpose of the CKAF Operating Grant Program

To support the stability, flexibility and leveraging capacity for diverse funding opportunities for arts organizations fulfilling a significant role in the Kingston community. Operating Grants will support core expenses and programming costs for arts organizations in Kingston.

Application Deadline: Friday May 7th, 2010 at 4:30pm

One Grant Rule

The CKAF Administration Plan as approved by the KAC Board and by Kingston City Council states that an organization awarded an Operating Grant is not eligible to receive a Project Grant in that same year.

Organizations may apply for both Operating and Project grants but if awarded an Operating grant the application for a Project Grant is automatically rendered ineligible and withdrawn from the grants competition.

Organizations that apply for both an Operating Grant and a Project Grant but are not awarded an Operating Grant will have their Project Grant applications submitted to the Project Grant adjudication meeting along with those of other organizations and collectives that did not apply for Operating Grants.

It is up to each organization individually to decide whether or not it will apply to both grant programs or to one grant program only.

If your organization plans to apply for an Operating Grant in 2010 and has not previously received CKAF Operating Grant funding, please contact the KAC Grants Department to discuss your application prior to submitting your 2010 Grant Application.

If you have questions about the Grants Program please contact:

Ted Worth, Grants Director or Sayyida Jaffer, Grants Assistant
at the Kingston Arts Council Grants Department
613-546-2999 or [email protected].