Lori Dowds
Artist's Statement
"I have been guided in many directions in my life
by this wondrous universe, and the central theme to
all of my endeavours has been healing. Through my pursuit
of poetry, massage therapy, cooking and my passion for
painting, I have sought a means to connect with and
nurture others. My paintings are abstract so as not
to limit the interpretation of the emotion represented.
I believe Symbolism is a universal language that speaks
directly to the heart.
Our world desperately needs love and clarity for us
humans to thrive. My paintbrush has been the key to
opening my heart and showing the world my naked, vulnerable
soul or, as I like to call it, my Inner Essence. As
I am guided, I find a peaceful sense of purpose and
belonging when I see the effect of comfort and inspiration
my artwork has had on others.
I don't believe in reality, at least not an absolute
reality. I believe each of us, as an individual, perceives
the world through a unique collection of
experiences which influences what we believe to be real.
Through this filter, we interpret, absorb and judge
all external things. I know my paintings to be a reflection
of my reality. Often they unfold before my eyes and
reveal a part of me that I was unaware of, like a sixth
sense, and I learn from them."