Friday, September 26, 2008

ArtsBuild Ontario seeks an Executive Director

ArtsBuild Ontario is a not-for-profit organization located in Toronto whose mission is to address the cultural infrastructure challenge facing Ontario’s small and mid-sized performing and visual arts organizations, working in collaboration with constituent service organizations, culture sector partners and public sector partners. The long-term vision is to develop a permanent, independent capital finance fund offering funding, financing and capacity-building technical assistance, designed specifically to address the challenges these groups face.

Over the next five years ArtsBuild Ontario proposes a program of *EDUCATION* to build capital project management capacity in the sector, *INFORMATION* to assist stakeholders and funders to quantify and prioritize the status of potential capital projects and *SOLUTIONS* to address the acute capital infrastructure crisis facing Ontario's small and mid-sized performing and visual arts organizations. Underlying these initiatives is a robust *ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT* plan to ensure that the projects are well managed and that the organization is sustainable in the long term.

ArtsBuild Ontario is seeking an experienced cultural administrator with an interest in public policy to lead and manage these programs. Required qualities include:

· Creativity, innovative thinking and independent initiative

· Extensive strategic planning and advocacy leadership skills

· Knowledge and experience liaising with all levels of government

· Strong collaboration with extensive network in the arts community

· Experienced partnership with volunteer Board and Advisory Committee

· Skillful communication and confident spokesperson role

Responsibilities include:

· Revenue: funding applications and stewardship

· Administrative: management of Board and Advisory Committee

· Financial: budget preparation & reporting

· Strategic: short- and long-term planning, identification of

· Education: workshop series; web resource centre development

· Information: bi-annual quantitative study of sector and needs

· Solutions: research into alternate financing solutions

· Partnerships: collaboration with culture sector partners

This is a three-day per week services contract at a competitive rate
that commences November 1^st 2008.

Please send a cover letter and resume, *before 5 pm on October 8^th
2008* to Sandra Tulloch, President, ArtsBuild Ontario at 56 Harbord
Street, Toronto M5S 1G2

ArtsBuild Ontario thanks all applicants however only those being considered for an interview will be contacted directly.


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