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Rules for 2005

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Rules of the Competition


1. The competition for the Kingston Prize for Contemporary Canadian Portraiture is open to Canadian artists. For the purposes of this competition, "Canadian" shall, in every instance, be interpreted to mean a Canadian citizen or permanent resident (landed immigrant) of Canada. Employees and Board members of the Kingston Arts Council, members of the 2005 Kingston Prize Steering Committee, and the Jury, are not eligible.


2. Each artist may enter one portrait.
3. For the purposes of this competition, "portrait" shall be interpreted to mean a picture of a person or persons. Group portraits and self-portraits are acceptable.
4. To be eligible for the competition, an entry must be an original portrait that:

  • is a portrait of a Canadian person or persons;
  • is made from life, i.e. the subject must "sit" for the artist;
  • is comprised mainly of painted media;
  • has dimensions, including the frame, no larger than 200 centimetres height ´ 150 centimetres width ´ 10 centimetres depth;
  • has been produced during the 24 months preceding July 1, 2005.

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5. To enter the competition, an artist must send the following materials to the Kingston Arts Council office:

  • A completed entry form, including statements signed by the artist and by the subject (the form is available at the website listed below);
  • One professional quality 35 mm slide of the completed painting, clearly labeled on the base side (the side with the shiny surface of the film) with the name of the artist, and a red dot in the lower left hand corner when viewed in the correct orientation;
  • The non-refundable entry fee of $25.00 by money order or certified cheque payable to Kingston Arts Council;
  • A self-addressed stamped postcard for confirmation of receipt;
  • A self-addressed stamped envelope, if return of the slide is desired.

6. Entries must be either (a) received at the Kingston Arts Council office before 5.00 pm June 30, 2005, or (b) if sent by mail or courier, must be postmarked before that deadline.

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7. From the slides submitted, the jury will select a shortlist of paintings to be included in the Kingston Prize Exhibition. The jury will notify the artists who submitted the selected paintings by August 12, 2005, with instructions and address for shipping or delivery of the paintings.

8. The paintings selected for the Exhibition must be shipped or delivered to Kingston, Ontario, to arrive on or before September 23, 2005.

9. The artist is responsible for all charges relating to delivery of the painting both to and from Kingston. No painting will be accepted without evidence of either prepayment of the return delivery, or another suitable arrangement for return of the painting.

10. Paintings must be suitably equipped for hanging, and must be clearly identified with the name of the artist on the back.

11. An exhibition fee based on CARFAC rate guidelines will be paid for every painting exhibited.

12. The jury will choose the winner of the Kingston Prize after viewing the paintings received, and the Prize will be awarded at a public reception during the exhibition.

13. The decisions of the jury are final and no correspondence will be entered into.

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14. Kingston Arts Council will take all due care with the paintings received, but will not be responsible for any loss or damage to artworks whatsoever, however caused, while in its custody. Each entrant is responsible for maintaining his/her own insurance coverage.

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15. Paintings must be available continuously for exhibition for a period of at least two months, and will be returned at the end of the exhibition.

16. Entrants shall allow the Kingston Arts Council to photograph their works while in its custody, and to reproduce their work by print or electronic means for the purposes of documentation and archiving of the exhibition, and for advertising the competition, including subsequent catalogues, brochures and posters.

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17. Following are the significant dates. The Kingston Arts Council reserves the right to make small adjustments to these dates.

June 30, 2005 - Closing date for receipt, or postmark, of applications.

August 12, 2005 - Announcement of shortlist for exhibition.

September 23, 2005 - Deadline for delivery of paintings to Kingston.

October, 2005 - Exhibition and awarding of the Kingston Prize.

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Postal address: Kingston Arts Council, Street address: 189 Sydenham Street
P.O. Box 1005 Kingston
Kingston, ON K7L 4X8

English Website:
French Website:
Phone: (613) 546-2787
Email: [email protected]
FAX: 613-546-7866

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