April 2006






literary arts



visual arts

& tours

& calls





Delvalle (pronounced Del-VAI-yay) began sculpting natural forms and mask-making in Stratford, Ontario in 1980, studying with local artisans and international masters. She integrates her memories and impressions of the aboriginal culture of her Venezuelan village childhood with contemporary techniques and interpretations, combining practical craft skills and artistic inspiration. Delvalle has adapted techniques learned from master artists and craftspeople into her own unique vision.


Delvalle has participated in numerous juried art shows in Canada and the United States, including solo exhibitions, and her work is represented in private collections internationally.


"My work seems to come from some deep instinctual part of my being. The ideas and images are perhaps emotional rather than rational, although I am also aware of making social commentary through my artwork, with the concept of living responsibly on the earth. I don’t think of art as something separate from life; I feel that the making of art should be available to everyone. It’s not necessary to be a Renoir or a Picasso. Art comes from the joys and sorrows of life and reflects a way of encountering and participating in the world."



In December of 2004, Delvalle established a studio, gallery, and shop in downtown Kingston. Located at the corner of Queen and Wellington Streets, Delvalle’s Art Corner has become an important destination for tourists and local art lovers. Delvalle’s Art Corner carries one-of-a-kind handmade items, representing the work of over 20 local artists, featuring ceramics, glass works, jewelry, photography, and metal and wood work. This is the one shop in Kingston where only local artists are featured for exhibition and sale. Delvalle also teaches pottery-making in small classes in her studio at this location.


Delvalle’s Art Corner
222 Wellington Street
Kingston, Ontario K7K 2V8
[email protected]






"My entire life seems to be about the drama. In my drawings and water media that means the pursuit of capturing light. I try to achieve this by using juxtaposed contrasts such as highly reflective glass with soft velvety fabric, or a realistically rendered image in front of an abstract background. Sometimes the simple use of contrasting values will do the trick.

Whether it is the light within a soul or the sunlight on a bridge - the method seems to be the same: the higher the contrast, the greater the drama. As an instructor I find nothing more dramatic than the expressions of amazement and joy from beginner students who thought they'd never be able to draw or paint."


Debbie's art career began in 1999 with the sudden death of beloved musician Joe Chithalen. "I owe everything to him. Joe was my inspiration to follow my dream and find the confidence to take my art seriously - life is too short!"

Debbie met Joe's parents, Eleanor and June at A Joe Show where she was raising money for the Anaphylactic Network, and selling prints of her montage pencil drawing, Memories of Joe. A Director of the Kingston School of Art happened by and upon viewing her portfolio, asked Debbie to apply for an instructor’s position. "The Chithalens and the people of the KSOA have been very supportive of me and my work", says Debbie.

Debbie notes that it is easy for artists to complain about not having enough time to create their art, and that she isn't an exception. While commissions, family and her work at the Kingston School of Art take precious time away from her own endeavours, the rewards she gains far outweigh the cons. "My daughter Carly is my closest confidant and my favourite subject matter! My husband Monty is incredibly supportive and my most lucrative patron. I have been drawn to portraiture all my life, and continue to explore the human face in my compositions. My work as volunteer helps keep the KSOA in business. Nnot only does it benefit me personally, but is essential for our community. A great many lost souls find themselves there!" Children's programs, private tutoring and the 'Anyone Can...' series of classes are rewarding for Debbie and have served to benefit her skills. "How could I ever complain?" she bemuses. "But I do!"





Memories of Joe

Camper Boy


Debbie is currently working towards a solo show, which will likely be exhibited at the Kingston School of Art. Debbie has exhibited in group shows at the KSOA, and at various locations around the city. Her show Brushworks exhibited at the Wilson Room of the Kingston Frontenac Public Library last September. "You can google me as Debbie Doogan (my first husband's name) and click on faculty and/or gallery at to see more of my work and biography. I hope to be accepted again this year into the Juried Art Salon." This year's Juried Arts Salon will be exhibited during the month of May in the Wilson Room at the central branch of the Kingston Frontenac Public Library.


The Red Shoe

If you wish to take lessons, have a portrait or any other commission done you may book an appointment to view Debbie's portfolio by calling the Kingston School of Art: 549-1528 or Art By Debbie Studio: 386-3582.