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Get your tickets now! Climb aboard the Island Belle for An Evening on the Mississippi, featuring The Spencer Evans Trio.
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Kingston's Art Organizations report to council.
Browse the reports various art organizations gave to council between April 8 and June 10
New Media in the Old Town What a media arts centre can do for Kingston

ARTBUZZA free bi-weekly email newsletter for KAC members listing art news and events

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Artists' Are you interested in buying or renting studio space? Download your copy of "Square Feet - The Artist's Guide to Renting & Buying Work Space"

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City of Kingston Cultural Study

Exciting Times at The Kingston Arts Council

The Kingston Arts Council has undergone some very exciting changes over the past few months and will continue to change in the months ahead. We are very pleased to announce that two full-time staff members were hired in April and are very busy working in the office.

Ben Darrah has been hired as a project manager on an exciting new project called Welcoming Diversity. Welcoming Diversity is a study to determine the needs of underserved groups in the community, including multicultural and multiethnic agencies, immigrant artists, and social service organizations. The aim is to adopt policies and practices that can address cultural diversity more effectively. If you have any questions about the project please give Ben a call!

Bonnie Long has been hired as the Information Officer for the Kingston Arts Council. She have been busy developing the website, planning a boat cruise and managing the members database. If you are a member of the Kingston Arts Council and have your own website we would love to provide a link to your site in our links section of the website. Just send Bonnie an email and she will add your site.

A new board was elected at the annual general meeting in May, and is comprised of some old faces as well as some new ones. We are very excited about the coming year and are busy planning and developing many events and programs.

ARTBUZZ, the bi-weekly email listing current events and relevant art news was launched in April and is available to all members with an email address. If you are a member and aren't receiving ARTBUZZ send us an email, and we will send you the latest addition.

If you have any questions about the Kingston Arts Council please do not hesitate to contact us, or if you are in the neighborhood stop by our offices and introduce yourself to Ben and Bonnie. They would love to meet you!



Kingston Arts Council
P.0. Box 1005
Kingston, Ontario K7L 4X8
(613) 546 - ARTS