...the first Arts Council in Ontario

The Kingston Prize, Canada’s National Portrait Competition

Gala Preview: October 4
Exhibition: October 5th to October 27th, 2007
Firehall Theatre
Gananoque, Ontario

Thirty Finalists

The Steering Committee for The Kingston Prize, Canada’s National Portrait Competition, is pleased to announce the names of the thirty finalists. They will have their entries exhibited at the Firehall Theatre, Gananoque, Ontario, from October 5th to October 27th, 2007.

The winner of The Kingston Prize ($3,000) and two Honourable Mentions ($500 each) will be announced at a Gala Preview on October 4. The winner of the People’s Choice Prize ($750) will be chosen by ballot and announced at the end of the exhibition.

Jury members are Eliza Griffiths (Montreal), William Kirby (Toronto) and Richard Rhodes (Toronto).

This year drawings as well as paintings were eligible. The thirty portraits, chosen from 209 entries give a moving and incisive view of the lives of Canadians today, their joys and their sorrows and represent a wide range of contemporary approaches to portraiture.

The Kingston Prize is a project of the Kingston Arts Council.

Congratulations to the 2007 finalists!

R Helene Amram
Montreal, PQ

Jim Bourke
Toronto, ON

Eric Budovitch

Jennifer Campbell
Ottawa, ON

Joshua Choi
Etobicoke, ON

Jon Claytor
Sackville, NB

Christine Cousineau
Montreal, PQ

Ben Darrah
Kingston, On

Marina Dieul
Montreal, PQ

Jesse Garbe
Maple Ridge, BC

Jean Gaudet
Sutton, PQ

Kristy Gordon
Ottawa, ON

Janine Hall
Calgary, AB

Janette Hayhoe
Toronto, ON

Phil Irish
Elora, ON

Gertrude Kearns
Toronto, ON

Kris Knight
Toronto, ON

Sholem Krishtalka
Toronto, ON

Miklos Legrady
Toronto, ON

Yousha Liu
Mississauga, ON

James MacDonald
Kingston, ON

Katherine McNenly
Almonte, ON

Justin Ogilvie
Vancouver, BC

Jay Senetchko
Vancouver, BC

Tarragon Smith
London, UK

Victoria Stusiak
Montreal, PQ

Paul Robert Turner
Toronto, ON

Klaas van Weringh
Ottawa, ON

Jennifer Walton
Toronto, ON

Dylan Wolney
Vancouver, BC

For further The Kingston Prize information please visit their web site. www.kingstonprize.ca