Call for submissions!
Community Arts Ontario is looking for authors and
artists for their upcoming issues of CAM (Community
Arts Matters!)
We want to hear your voice in art and words about
issues that matter to you from your region of Ontario.
CAM is published three times yearly. Each issue
focuses on a different theme. Check the CAO web-site
for regular
calls for submissions.
Issue: Winter 07 Theme:
Community Arts for Communities in Crisis
for submissions: January 07, 2007
* Articles and art must relate to the above theme
* Article length and fee:
- 800 word articles @$200
- 600 word articles with 1 photo (specs on application
form) @$200
- Original art submissions by professional artists
(specs on application form) (@$200
- Each issue is to have one article/artwork from
each major region of Ontario (Northwest,
Northeast, Central, East, Southwest and GTA)
- Only writers and artists selected for publication
will receive a fee.
- Racialised/Aboriginal artists, labour
artists and artists with disabilities
are encouraged to submit
- All material published by Community
Arts Ontario is the sole responsibility
of the author(s). The opinions and/or
do not necessarily
reflect the editorial views of Community Arts Ontario, its
Board or staff.
Selection Criteria and process:
* A Community Arts Ontario committee will select
articles/artwork to be published.
* We will accept more than one submission per artist/author but only publish
one submission per artist/author.
* Published articles and art will appear in the Winter 07 printed issue and
posted on the CAO web-site four months after publication.
* Unpublished articles will be posted on the CAO web-site if the author requests
it. There is no author fee for this.
* Decisions by the selection committee are final.
* Authors and artists will be notified of the decision 3 weeks after the deadline.
* Authors will be able to proof their articles before final publication.
CAM Submission Form
Ontario Residents only
Please submit this form with each submission of
articles, photos and original art. Submissions by
e-mail to: [email protected]
1. Name you want published with your article
2. If selected what name would you like your cheque
made out to
3. If appropriate, your role and/or organization
4. Mailing address
5. e-mail: telephone numbers
6. Title of work(s)
7. Please indicate the category you are submitting
· Written article, maximum of 800 words @$.25
/ word ____
· Written article, maximum 600 words + photo:
@ $.25 word + $50 / photo (one photo only, please)
· Original artwork $200: ____
Specifications for art and photos submitted: Low
Resolution - Accepted Format: .JPG, .PDF, .GIF Resolution:
72 DPI (if selected we will request a higher resolution:
Accepted Format: .JPG, .PDF, .GIF, .CDR, .PSD, .CPT,
.AI, Resolution: Minimum 200)
8. Please provide here a short bio for publication
(max 50 words @ $.25 / word):
9. If your submission is not selected for publication
in CAM (Community Arts Matters!) do you give permission
for it to appear on the CAO web-site (there is no
artist fee for this)?
__Yes, I give permission for my submission
to be uploaded to CAO’s website
__No, you do not have permission to upload my submission
to CAO’s website.